Grow 33% Every Year, Add $10M to Your Business Value,
And Exit On Your Own Terms in as Few as 3 Years. Here's How:

Exitology Client Success Map

First, we create momentum and inject the business with startup energy again, by uncovering at least $10 million of low hanging fruit sales. By unlocking your unique genius, we help you add 33% year over year as you grow from profits. To do this, we create a profit acceleration blueprint based on your identified growth drivers. Finally, we help you get clarity on business value, potential, and your own exit readiness to ensure that as you grow, you’re always in control of your fate.

Second, we create a lead surge for your sales team by generating quick wins, closing more deals faster. This supports momentum and a growth oriented culture in the business and continues to fund the value acceleration engine. Next, we work with your sales and marketing team to increase revenue per lead. As we do this, the business value increases as you diversify your customer base and eliminate client concentration risk.

Third, we maximize your business value by building capacity and culture in your team. As culture strengthens and drives the company to new heights, we work to unlock capacity by decentralizing the business from the owner and removing this common bottleneck to growth. Next, we maximize the tangible and intangible assets of the business, and move the business towards a best in class operation.

Fourth, we unlock your wealth by operating from clarity and building on your growth drivers. As we do this, we continue to stay focused on your end game. Building on the first 3 phases, we help you buy back your time and freedom. Often, at this stage, we are working with your advisory team to ensure you’re maximizing this once in a lifetime wealth building opportunity. Every step of the way, you can see how our work is helping you increase your transferable value number and measure the ROI of your progress.

Finally, we help you exit on your terms. By now you will understand your exit options as we position your company to attract the most lucrative, motivated buyers who are aligned with your goals. In this stage and phase, you will harvest your personal wealth from the business and become one of the fortunate few who are able to move from success to significance and legacy.

Your Company Might Be A Fit If You Have These 3 Pieces In Place

Apply for an Exitology - Grow to Exit Diagnostic Session

We will evaluate and benchmark your company against 1000s of other companies and uncover your best options to grow and exit from your blue collar / industrial business on your own terms.